Blue Buddha

Bar and restaurant Knokke - Belgium
Blue Buddha chooses a bespoke sound system for its club room and lounge bar.

Set in the heart of the popular Belgian coastal town of Knokke, Blue Buddha is the home of fine dining, bespoke cocktails and dancing until late. Part restaurant, part lounge bar and part club, it’s a popular destination for people who want to combine excellent food and a great night out – all in one place.

The Blue Buddha management team was refurbishing the whole venue and wanted a bespoke sound system for its main club room and lounge bar. Having been impressed by the Pioneer Pro Audio’s sound system at Antwerp’s Café D’Anvers, the team chose us to build them a new system from the ground up.

Pioneer Pro Audio creates a versatile sound system to suit guests' moods

Blue Buddha’s management wanted the main room to have a club sound on the dancefloor, while allowing guests to talk comfortably in the seating areas around the edges of the room. Our team specified two clusters of XY-122 12-inch speakers to be mounted on the beam in the centre of the room, creating a wide dispersion of sound across the dancefloor without being too loud at the sides.

An XY-218S 18-inch twin bass reflex subwoofer faces out from under the DJ booth, giving the dancefloor a warm, low frequency sound and powerful chest kick, while the booth itself has two XY-81 8-inch monitors, which also help to balance the sound in the whole room. All the speakers are in white, with gold grilles to suit the Blue Buddha’s refurbished design.

The lounge bar has several alcoves and booths, so the system needed to give an even coverage throughout, with no dead spots. Plus, with low ceilings and a compact dancefloor, we needed to create an energetic sound without overpowering the room.

Rather than installing a few large speakers, we opted for ten XY-81 8-inch PA speakers: four on the dancefloor, two in the DJ booth, and four in key locations around the room. Bass is provided by one XY-215S 15-inch quasi-bandpass subwoofer – which can give concentrated bursts of energy that are perfect for a smaller dancefloor– and an XY-115S extends the low frequency sound. Another XY-115S gives a balanced sound in the booth.

Both rooms were time aligned using Powersoft’s Armonía Pro Audio software, to ensure a smooth sound and no competition between the speakers. And the whole system was powered by Powersoft amps – six M30s and two K2s, both with built-in DSP.

The configuration leaves Blue Buddha plenty of headroom, so they can create a powerful, efficient sound without needing to drive the system too hard. For the first time we can create a club vibe where we need it, but let guests relax, lounge and chat – it’s the best combination. The speakers sound fantastic and the white and gold look fits the design of the place too.
David Ferreira | Pro Audio Specialist Pioneer Pro Audio

At a glance

Blue Buddha chooses a bespoke sound system for its club room and lounge bar.
Bar and restaurant Knokke - Belgium
Club room
4 installed
Club room
1 installed
Club room
2 installed
Lounge bar
10 installed
Lounge bar
1 installed
Lounge bar
2 installed
K-Series amplifier
2 installed
M-Series amplifier
6 installed

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